
Hot Shoeing

Hot shoeing allows for the best way to shape and fit a shoe to a horse’s foot. It also helps to create a more perfect marriage between the shoe and the foot of the horse, in turn providing a more secure and comfortable fit.

Cold Shoeing

Cold shoeing is used for horses that can’t hot shoe for one reason or another, like lack of exposure or injury, or for certain types of shoes that work best when not heated.

Barefoot Trimming

Trimming the horse’s foot is the foundation for everything we as farriers do. Every horse has its own distinct conformation. The trim it receives should complement and help balance and normalize the structure of that horse’s hooves.

Therapeutic Shoeing

Therapeutic shoeing can help to heal an injury, or is used when age and conformation prevent comfort and soundness in a horse. This shoeing is often done in collaboration with a veterinarian.


Please contact me directly to discuss your horse's needs and to receive a price quote. Each job is unique to the horse and requires materials and time that will need to be calculated during our initial conversation.

Billing Procedures:

  • Payment is due at time of service, unless prior arrangements have been made.

  • I accept checks, Venmo, and all major credit cards (credit card payments, please add an additional 4% to your bill).

  • Any returned checks will result in a charge.